Autumn is one of the most essential seasons for grass maintenance. Giving your grass sufficient care now, regardless of the weather, can help it thrive in the spring. We’ve compiled some of our favorite professional recommendations to help you get started so you can fall in love with your lawn all year. The easiest approach to assure consistency by the time spring and summer arrive is to stay on top of lawn care upkeep in the autumn. The measures below will assist you and your lawn in being prepared. It’s not time to put your lawn mower away just because summer is done! Mowing your lawn is an important element of lawn care all year, but especially in the fall.
It not only keeps your outdoor living space appearing tidy and well-kept, but it also keeps your lawn healthy and free of unattractive weeds and insects. However, after your lawn has stopped growing or gone dormant, you should prepare to put your mower away.
Rain and frequent irrigation help grass thrive during the summer months. However, because of the colder temperatures, grass growth slows down in the fall, requiring less water.
Overwatering should be avoided; more than one inch of irrigation once or twice a week might result in excessive top growth. Once your grass has ceased growing or gone dormant, there is no need to water it. How quicker is the approach to begin your lawn maintenance than at the beginning? Your soil needs a balance of nutrients to keep your grass lush and green throughout the year. If your soil has an uneven pH level, you may need to fix it with a lime or sulphur treatment.
Fortunately, our Soil Amendment services are a quick and simple way to determine and balance your soil’s acidity, allowing you to maintain your grass green and healthy all year.
It is critical to undertake the necessary fall maintenance actions at the appropriate time to achieve the greatest outcomes. Our best advice is to devote a few hours each weekend on bringing your lawn up to par using these suggestions. You’ll feel better knowing that you’re on your way to preparing your lawn for winter and a better springtime.
Whereas the techniques above are straightforward to implement on your own, there are some more sophisticated aspects of fall lawn care that may require assistance. After all, caring for your outdoor living area in the fall requires more than raking, mowing, and watering; it also entails fertilizer, aeration, and over seeding, as well as weed management, pest control, and tree and shrub protection. All of these jobs may be delegated to the professionals, leaving you with a lovely outdoor living area to enjoy come spring.